Text: Alec Coiro
Photo: Akiko Ichikawa
The Batsheva line is extremely cool in a way that is very similar to how the Square Diner that played host to the 2019 presentation is cool: they both touch upon aspects of New York that are so integral they are often overlooked. I may be saying this only because my friend Rebecca Schifman is such a huge fan and frequent wearer of Batsheva (as well as friend of Batsheva Hay), and Schiffman — the editor of the UES Journal — is the most quintessentially New York person to ever move to LA (where she takes the bus everywhere*.) The more traditional answer to why Batsheva is so New York is because of the way designer Batsheva —— amalgamates various disparate cultures, creating something new that is both connected to all of them and also free of them.
*Until recently