Photo: Olimpia Dior
Audrey Louise Reynolds strikes again! After catching her interactive video shoot event at no97, we’re thrilled to be invited as she once again brings people together for a unique evening. When last we hung out with her she was collaborating with the band Nymph; this time it was DJ BLXCK aka Jeremy Black. And live singing/performance by Sienna Scarritt, who Reynolds describes as a “poodle cookie “. There was also Folksbier, by Reynolds’s friends the raspberry beer makers, and fresh cotton candy, probably the only two slightly unhealthy things in the Audrey Louise Reynolds repertoire.
On the racks was Reynolds’s brilliantly colorful collection. She describes the mood she wants to set and the environment she wants to create, she says, “My goal with this space was to make a very fresh happy uplifting playful store where we sell ideas of a better future.” There were also offerings from House of 950, Doucemont, Mara Corsino, Alexa Stark, and The Perfect Nothing Catalog.
As always, for the pioneer of only the healthiest natural dyes, there was a positive vibe and the light feeling of pure living.