Photos And Creative Direction: Roy Beeson
Hair And Creative Direction: Dennis Devoy
Makeup Artist: Mikako Shojima
Kid Plotnikova From Women Management
Location: Rapaz Studio
Casting: Erin Simon – Rabbit Fight Inc
A nickname and sign of affection towards a younger precocious member of the group displaying abilities and wisdom beyond their years. Dennis and I had discussed the nature of transformation and youth culture from our respective teen years in Wisconsin and Georgia while preparing the shoot and had looked at references from Derek Ridgers “77 – 87 London Youth” While editing the images I began to think of Prince’s character the Kid in Purple Rain. I have memories of being 10 years old watching the music videos from the film at home noticing the details of impending adolescence – Prince emotionally vulnerable and sensitive, riding away on his motorcycle as dirt kicks up from the back wheel, the smoke lightly engulfing the Kid on stage, all the alien details and feelings that I knew that I would soon experience in some degree or another.