Text and Interview: Alec Coiro
Images Courtesy of Hideout
Rodriguez’s songwriting, voice, and emotions are what unites this new album that spans a gamut of styles. You may already be familiar with The New York City-based musician from his previous album, Rookie, or as a member of the band Cults. As an active member of Cults, Rodriguez sees Hideout as his avenue to really explore his own songwriting, and this is very evident from the the level of intimacy that is present on So Many Hoops. We caught up with him as he was in the thick of tour, so the interview below is all dispatched straight from road out west. He tells us what made this album different from Rookie, who he collaborated with, and what those hoops are.

What are the “Hoops” that the title references?
It’s referencing the hoops of daily life- always “jumping hoops” or “spinning plates.” Lately it’s just seemed there are never enough hours in the day- so It’s a stand against life being filled with monotony/routine.
How did your songwriting approach differ on this album from Rookie?
This album was definitely more linear. I wrote one song after the other. Each one referencing the one before. Some of the riffs I had been tinkering with since Rookie, but lyrically everything just fell into place. Rookie was more a collection of songs I had been working on.
Can you tell us a little about the musicians and singers you bring together for your recordings and shows. Who are they and how do they come together?
They’re all old friends- well, old friends and my girlfriend. I record a large majority of the songs at home. Scarlett (girlfriend) was there for a lot of it, so naturally she ended up playing a large role in the sound. I’m fortunate to have a great community of musicians in NY. John, who played keys on the record, is my across the hall neighbor- we know each other from both playing in Guards. Loren, who mixed the record, is my old roommate and we’ve known each other since high school. Ben, who played bass, lives downstairs from Loren and played in Guards after me. Cory, who played drums, also plays in cults and is a longtime musical collaborator – the connections go on and on.
How do you see your work and what you want to express in Hideout as distinct from in Cults?
In Cults I’m purely a collaborator- I don’t write the songs, I just try to add to them. With hideout I get to build everything from the ground up.
The tour for So Many Hoops / So LIttle Time seems to be taking primarily out west. Is there a reason behind this. Will there be any chances to catch you on the East Coast?
The tour we’re currently on, I’m actually driving through New Mexico on the way to Phoenix right now, is just the beginning of our travels to support the record. CRX offered us these dates so we took them, but we’ll be touring on the east coast in the coming year.
Tour Dates
DECEMBER 21, 2016
Hemlock Tavern
San Francisco, CA
DECEMBER 22, 2016
Los Angeles, CA
DECEMBER 23, 2016
Soda Bar
San Diego, CA